The World Economic Forum is one of the most outspoken advocates of changing the way our world is governed. This group is made up of exceptionally elite business executives, politicians, academics, cultural experts, media personalities, and celebrities who come from a wide variety of backgrounds yet all share one thing in common: They are globalists. Through their meetings, papers, and website, they promote agendas and policies that urge people everywhere to see themselves as one global society that needs to work together to resolve today’s most pressing issues.

This perspective is clearly stated on the Forum’s website: “Because the world is an interconnected ecosystem, we believe that no issue is isolated…We believe that the world’s challenges can only be solved through engagement with all members of global society.”[1] That is, global problems require global solutions. To enact solutions on a global scale, of course, implies there needs to be some sort of global governing body that possesses the authority to enforce those solutions.

When COVID-19 hit, it spread like wildfire, and overnight, it became the world’s most pressing crisis. At first, people were deeply afraid and didn’t know what to do—nor did government leaders, who reacted in widely disparate ways to this health threat. In the midst of all this chaos, the Forum saw an opportunity: In June 2020, at its fiftieth annual meeting, it officially launched what it calls the Great Reset.

In conjunction with that summit, Klaus Schwab, the founder and leader of the World Economic Forum, came out with a book titled COVID 19: The Great Reset. In it, he said that the pandemic should be seen as a window of opportunity for the world to change the way it handles crises. He lamented the fact that there was an “absence of cooperation” in the world’s response to the virus—a response that had revealed a “failure of global governance and leadership.”[2]

This, said Schwab, confirmed the urgent need for a change—a reset. He wrote, “To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed.”[3]

Note the key words and phrases here: The world must. Revamp all aspects. Every country. Must participate. Every industry. Must be transformed. The World Economic Forum isn’t just making suggestions here. These are imperatives and commands.

There’s more. Schwab wrote, “Since making its entry on the world stage, COVID-19 has dramatically torn up the script of how to govern countries, live with others and take part of the global economy.”[4]

It has torn up the script. Of how to govern countries.

Klaus went on to say, “We should take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to reimagine our world.”[5] What did he mean by that? Here is his answer: “We must build entirely new foundations for our economic and social systems. The level of cooperation and ambition this implies is unprecedented.”[6]

The Great Reset, then, is this: A complete revamping. An entirely new script. Reinventing how the world is run. Building entirely new economic and social systems. All aspects of society and all countries need to participate. At a level of cooperation never before known.

The Forum isn’t alone in pushing a reset. The United Nations has its 2030 Agenda, which aims to strengthen peace and eradicate poverty in collaborative partnerships that the UN says will require the participation of all countries and all sectors of society. And the World Economic Forum has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the UN to help advance this 2030 Agenda.

This brings us to an important point: While the World Economic Forum does not explicitly state their goal is to create a one-world government, it is clearly advocating a global approach to governance that pushes us in that direction. By default, any model of governance that insists on total global cooperation will vest greater control over every aspect of human life into the hands of fewer individuals. This cannot help but create the conditions that would make it easier for a one-world ruler to arise. What’s more, the very language the Forum uses to describe its vision for the Great Reset is chillingly authoritarian.

So how far along is this Great Reset? It’s hard to know because we cannot yet see how our politically and culturally fractured planet will make its way to the one-world order clearly prophesied in Revelation 13:7, when the antichrist will be given authority “over every tribe and people and language and nation.”  

However, as we survey the geopolitical landscape around us, here are three observations that show just how vulnerable we are to the kinds of changes that can accelerate us all the faster to a one-world government. Consider the following:  

  1. When the coronavirus hit, governments were quick to claim draconian emergency powers that severely prohibited people’s freedoms. They became more intrusive and authoritarian. And after government powers increase, they rarely decrease.
  2. The fear of COVID-19 led many people to be willing to give up their freedoms in exchange for the protection and security they hoped their governments could provide. Future crises can do more of the same, leading to further and more permanent losses of freedom.
  3. An enormous transfer of power occurred, with many governments eventually leaning on very few authorities who dictated how everyone should respond to the pandemic. These few authorities at agencies like the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ended up exercising power over billions of people globally.

In a surprisingly short amount of time, COVID has had a devastating impact that has forever changed our world and made governments and their allied corporations or organizations more authoritarian. There is no going back. And with globalists aggressively pushing their agendas, we can be sure that every future world crisis will be exploited in the effort to move us closer to the global society they long to create.

Given the trajectory we are on, the world described in Revelation 13:7 may not be very far off. Again, it is hard for us to gauge how far along the Great Reset has come because we cannot predict the future. If there is anything we’ve learned in the wake of COVID-19, it is that we live in a very uncertain world.

Yet there is one truth we do know with absolute certainty: There is an even greater reset coming. The Bible tells us that when Christ returns, He will destroy all the flawed human kingdoms on this planet and replace them with His own perfect kingdom. And He alone is able to bring about the ideal world that globalists seek but will never achieve.

That is a great reset we can look forward to.

Steve Miller is the author of Foreshadows: 12 Megaclues That Jesus’ Return Is Nearer Than Ever. His Foreshadows Report podcasts can be accessed at, and you can follow him daily on Telegram Messenger Channel at

[1] “What makes us unique?,” World Economic Forum,

[2] Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret, COVID 19: The Great Reset (Switzerland: Forum Publishing, 2020), 11.

[3] Klaus Schwab, “Now is the time for a ‘great reset,’” World Economic Forum, June 3, 2020,  

[4] Schwab and Malleret, COVID 19: The Great Reset, 3.

[5] Schwab and Malleret, COVID 19: The Great Reset, 19.

[6] Schwab, “Now is the time for a ‘great reset.’”