The Red Heifers, the Third Temple, and the Rapture

The Red Heifers, the Third Temple, and the Rapture

In recent months, there has been a lot of talk about some red heifers that are being raised in Israel. The reason they have generated a lot of interest is because one of the last obstacles to rebuilding a Jewish temple on the Temple Mount is a need for the ashes of a...
Forever Faithful

Forever Faithful

O LORD God of hosts, who is mighty as you are,O LORD, with your faithfulness all around you? (Psalm 89:8). God always does what He says He will do. He is forever faithful, never forgetting a promise. The hundreds of prophecies in Scripture that have been fulfilled...
How Bible Prophecy Can Inspire Our Worship of God

How Bible Prophecy Can Inspire Our Worship of God

Rarely do Christians think about Bible prophecy in connection with worshipping God. The tendency is to view prophecies as mysteries to be solved, or promises about the end times that aren’t relevant to us today. Those misperceptions are unfortunate, because...
Why the Rapture Is Our Blessed Hope

Why the Rapture Is Our Blessed Hope

Have you ever thought about the many ways that the rapture is “our blessed hope,” as stated in Titus 2:13? In context, here is what Paul wrote: “The grace of God has appeared to all people, training us…to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present...
A Baby Like No Other

A Baby Like No Other

When the angels announced Jesus’ birth to the shepherds that night long ago in Bethlehem, they revealed that this baby was like no other. When they spoke about this newborn child, they used three titles that are rich in meaning. These titles told the shepherds a very...