Blog articles
on bible prophecy
The Red Heifers, the Third Temple, and the Rapture
In recent months, there has been a lot of talk about some red heifers that are being raised in Israel. The reason they have generated a lot of interest is because one of the last obstacles to rebuilding a Jewish temple on the Temple Mount is a need for the ashes of a...
The Biblical Case for the Pretribulational Rapture
In Revelation 3:10, God promised the church in Philadelphia, “I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth.” While the seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3 were historical churches in Asia Minor,...
The Israel-Hamas War Is Exposing Where People Really Stand—and It’s Frightening
The world we live in continues to grow more polarized. People are fiercely divided on more and more political and cultural issues. But the Israel-Hamas War has exposed what, in my opinion, is one of the most frightening divides of all: Those who blindly refuse to...
Forever Faithful
O LORD God of hosts, who is mighty as you are,O LORD, with your faithfulness all around you? (Psalm 89:8).God always does what He says He will do. He is forever faithful, never forgetting a promise. The hundreds of prophecies in Scripture that have been fulfilled...
How Bible Prophecy Can Inspire Our Worship of God
Rarely do Christians think about Bible prophecy in connection with worshipping God. The tendency is to view prophecies as mysteries to be solved, or promises about the end times that aren’t relevant to us today. Those misperceptions are unfortunate, because...
The Gospel Information Superhighway
Have you ever considered the significance of the timing of Christ’s first coming? Why did Jesus come 2,000 years ago? Why not 3,000 or even 5,000 years ago? I believe much of the answer lies in the revolutionary new communications technology that came about in His...
The Mark of the Beast
In Revelation 13, we read that the antichrist and the false prophet—a diabolical duo—will subjugate the entire world so that no one can buy or sell who does not receive the mark of the beast.[The false prophet] causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor,...
The Two-Prophetic Witnesses
God will raise up two mighty prophetic witnesses during the tribulation period. They will testify of the true God with incredible power—much like the power of Elijah (1 Kings 17; Malachi 4:5) and Moses (Exodus 7–11). Two witnesses are important. The Old Testament...
A Matter of Timing: Pre-Trib Rapture
Some argue against the pre‑trib view, saying that it is a more recent doctrine. All the church fathers held to something different, they claim. But that is not true. There were many early church writers who held to an imminent, at‑any‑moment rapture. In AD 373,...
144,000 Reasons to Share the Gospel with Your Jewish Friends
Our Bible is replete with numbers, adding numerical precision to God’s counsel. Incidentally, we can tend to focus on parts of the Bible that do not have specific numbers and ignore those other parts that have precise numbers given to us for a reason. Unless otherwise...
The Amazing Support for the Millennial Kingdom in Early Genesis
When it comes to academically and intellectually defending the doctrine known as premillennialism, or the future reign of Christ on earth, people frequently cite Revelation 20:1-10 for biblical support. This passage explains that Christ’s future earthly kingdom will...
Fear, Fake News, and Faith
God wrote Revelation because he wants us to know about that finale, and to respond to it (Revelation 1:3). He wants us to be aware of coming world events and to spot the signs leading up to the end times. He wants us to enjoy a sneak preview of our future home in...
When Will Ezekiel 38 Happen?
Prophecy teachers vary on where they place the Ezekiel 38 war in relation to the rapture, but all agree it is an end-times war, as specifically stated in the text (verses 8, 14). It will take place after the land has been desolate for a long time, the people are back...
Messianic Psalm of David: The Resurrection of the Messiah
Many psalms appear only in New Testament hindsight to reveal a larger prophetic truth than their initial historical contexts originally suggested.1 Preserve me, O God, for I take refuge in You.2 I said to the Lord, “You are my Lord;I have no good besides You.”3...
Iceberg Warnings of Bible Prophecy
A few years ago, while on a speaking trip to a small English town, I had the privilege of having lunch with a group of retired gentlemen and ladies. After being seated beside one of the women, we struck up a conversation, and I soon discovered it was her birthday....
The Final Prediction
He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming quickly.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen (Revelation 22:20-21).It is the Lord Jesus Himself who “testifies” (Greek, marturon) to the book of Revelation and the writings of...
Does Revelation 3:10 Point to the Rapture?
In Revelation 3:10, Jesus makes this promise to the church at Philadelphia: “Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.”...
Why Does It Matter If the Dead Rise?
As sinful human beings, we are linked to Adam. We inherited Adam’s sin nature and the wages of sin that go with it called death. As in Adam all die. But in Christ, the second Adam, all are made alive. As Paul reminds us, “The first Adam became a living being; the last...
The Critical Link: Origins and Last Things
The study of first things is of utmost importance in Scripture. Much like the opening pages of a novel or the first few minutes of a good film, fundamental information is contained in the inceptive section of any great work. This is definitely true about the first...
Guidelines for Interpreting Bible Prophecy
Some people claim Bible prophecy should be interpreted allegorically. The allegorical method of interpretation seeks to uncover figurative or secondary meanings of Bible verses. I once encountered a person who assured me that the “second coming” occurs whenever a...
Why the Rapture Is Our Blessed Hope
Have you ever thought about the many ways that the rapture is “our blessed hope,” as stated in Titus 2:13? In context, here is what Paul wrote: “The grace of God has appeared to all people, training us…to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present...
The Christmas Conundrum and the Foreknowledge of Jesus
Isaiah 9:6 is quoted frequently at Christmastime. You may have seen the passage on Christmas cards, oftentimes along with a manger scene. The well-known (but usually not fully understood) verse reads,To us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will...
A Baby Like No Other
When the angels announced Jesus’ birth to the shepherds that night long ago in Bethlehem, they revealed that this baby was like no other. When they spoke about this newborn child, they used three titles that are rich in meaning. These titles told the shepherds a very...
Daniel’s Prophetic Timeline
Daniel is one of the most important books of the Bible with regard to the chronology of future events because it provides a great amount of key information about the players and time sequences of end-time prophecy. Daniel introduced much of what the New Testament book...
Why Was Hell Created?
Did you know that hell was created for a specific purpose? That purpose is found in Matthew 25:41: “Then [Jesus] will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.’ ” This statement...
The First Promise of the Rapture
Do you know when the worldwide rapture of believers is first mentioned in the Bible? What’s remarkable about this first promise of the rapture is that it came at a very traumatic time for those who originally heard these words. After the crucifixion, the disciples...
What Will Happen to Children at the Rapture?
This is a commonly asked question and a very sensitive topic. To cover what will happen to children at the rapture well, we need to take in a helicopter view as well as dive into the specifics. To start, there aren’t any specific Bible verses that answer the question....
God’s Judgments in History and Prophecy
In spite of popular belief to the contrary, God will judge His creation because He is a righteous and just God. In fact, God has already exercised judgment many times in the past, even though some do not recognize these events (2 Peter 3:1-13). The chart below shows...
The Paranormal Becomes the New Normal
Today we live in a time when—as believers—our faith has not yet become sight. We believe the miraculous events surrounding creation, the exodus, and those related to Jesus’s birth, death, and resurrection. What we forget is that in between those shorter seasons during...
Why Christ Rebukes the First-Century Church
Jesus called them out, but for what reasons? 1. She grew apathetic toward Him (Revelation 2:4). Jesus says to His bride, “You have left your first love.” Over time, she grew less and less enamored with her bridegroom. The honeymoon was over. The newness had worn...
Occupy Until Jesus Returns
In the parable of the minas in Luke 19:11-27, Jesus “spoke another parable, because He was near Jerusalem and because they thought the kingdom of God would appear immediately” (v. 11). In the story, a leader called ten of his servants and gave each of them ten minas....
Mystery Man
The first 13 letters that follow the book of Acts were all written by Paul. They are as follows: Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. These...
Responding as Christ Did to Persecution
If you know what it’s like to be despised or rejected as a Christian, you’ve received a very small taste of what Christ faced from His enemies. Jesus prophesied this would happen—He said in John 16:33, “In the world you will have tribulation.” It’s never easy to be on...
The Campaign of Armageddon and Christ’s Return
Armageddon will be the last great world war of history, and it will take place in Israel in conjunction with the second coming of Christ. The battle or campaign of Armageddon is described in Daniel 11:40-45, Joel 3:9-17, Zechariah 14:1-3, and Revelation 16:14-16.
Setting Your sights on heaven
The older I get, the more important I think it is to ponder heaven because life on earth is so short. It seems like I blink three times, and three decades have passed. Where do the years go?
What is the doctrine of Imminence?
Only a pretribulation rapture truly can be imminent. All other rapture views (midtrib, posttrib, prewrath) can be predicted by looking at the calendar.
The coming world leader
This sinister, dark, evil person will come on the scene, and people will say of him, “Our savior!” He will deceive and destroy the world.
Where the dead are now
The 39 books of the Old Testament refer to the world of the dead 65 times as Sheol. The word may be translated as “the grave,” “hell,” or “death.” Sheol must not be confused with “the pit” or “the lake of fire,” for Sheol is the place of all those who have departed...
Clash of the Superpowers in the Middle East
These developments have major prophetic significance. As we know from Ezekiel 38, there is coming a future invasion against Israel that will involve Russia, Iran, and Turkey.
In God we trust?
What citizens must sometimes do for civic or political reasons, Christians must sometimes do for spiritual or moral reasons. For both, defiance may be a necessary option. Though we in America have never suffered under regimes like Nero’s or Nazi Germany’s, and...
Revealing Revelation: The Long Letter
In our age of technology, we no longer make a habit of sending letters to one another. Instead, we use email, texts, and social media. For me, my use of social media allows me to reach hundreds of thousands of people in real time with updates about events that are...
How Close Are We to the Ezekiel 38–39 Invasion of Israel?
How Close Are We to the Ezekiel 38–39 Invasion of Israel? Bible prophecy tells us that in the “latter days,” a group of nations will form a massive military coalition and invade Israel. These attackers will come “out of the uttermost parts of the north,” and there...
Answers to Questions About the Millennial Kingdom
Q: Doesn’t 2 Peter 3:10 teach that there won’t be a Tribulation or Millennial Kingdom? Context is key! Peter is not laying out the various details of the Day of the Lord but the ultimate result of it. In the OT the Day of the Lord is sometimes referring specifically...
The Special Ops Rapture Rescue
In 1 Thessalonians 4, we find the premiere section of Scripture regarding the future rapture of the church. The Greek word translated “rapture” is harpazo. This is the word used in 1 Thessalonians 4:17, which reads, “After that, we who are still alive and are left...
The Rapture and the Ten Virgins
A friend of mine has a coffee mug that reads, “I can do all things through a verse taken out of context.” As Christians, sometimes in our eagerness to apply Scripture to our lives, we skip over the part where we discover what the verse or passage actually means. And...
If you are reading this letter…I am gone!
Dear Sandra, It breaks my heart that you would have to read this letter because it means that you have been left behind and that I am gone. I have no doubt that the world must be in a state of confusion and panic, and yet hope still exists. I wonder if you remember...
How far along is the great reset?
The World Economic Forum is one of the most outspoken advocates of changing the way our world is governed. This group is made up of exceptionally elite business executives, politicians, academics, cultural experts, media personalities, and celebrities who come from a...
The Last Hour
Nearly 2,000 years ago, the apostle John said, “Little children, it is the last hour” (1 John 2:18). If John was in the last hour at the time he wrote those words, then surely we are now in the last milliseconds before the return of Jesus. No one knows how long...
Satan’s Seal
On the heels of his ascent to global godlike status, Antichrist, with the aid of the false prophet, will implement the full measure of his religious and economic doctrine as the two merge into one. Here is how Scripture describes it. First, mandatory worship of...
Is the Rapture Really Taught in the Bible?
I have noticed a disturbing trend the past several years. The core belief in the inerrancy of Scripture seems to be eroding in certain evangelical circles—and with it, key doctrines long held by the church. Among those under attack is the rapture. I do believe in the...
How Much Should We Care About Christ’s Second Coming?
When Jesus made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem on the Sunday before His crucifixion, the crowds shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven!” (Matthew 21:9). For Jesus to be called “the Son...
Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in the Life of Christ
The Old Testament is filled with prophecies about the human race, the nation of Israel, and future events in general. But the most important prophecies are those that point to the coming of Christ. These are not merely isolated “proof texts.” The whole of the Old...
The Order of Events at Jesus’ Glorious Appearing
For Christians, the second coming of Christ is the most highly anticipated event in the history of the world. The “glorious appearing” (Titus 2:13) is the ultimate fulfillment of Christ’s promised return. When He comes back, there will be no need to debate His claims...
Wars and Rumors of Wars: The Exhortations We Often Overlook
Ever since Russia invaded Ukraine, many Christians have wondered: Is this one of the signs that we are about to enter the end times? Does this war have anything to do with Jesus’ warning in Matthew 24:6 about “wars and rumors of wars”? Among reputable and trusted...
Who are the citizens of Christ’s millennial kingdom?
Scripture teaches that at the end of the seven-year tribulation, Christ will return to Earth in glory to judge unbelievers and set up His kingdom, with its throne in Jerusalem. We are told in Revelation 20:4 that Christ will reign “for a thousand years," and as we...
Who Are the 144,000 in Revelation 7:14?
In Revelation 7:14, the apostle John writes, “I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel” (NIV). Who are these 144,000? Some Christians have taken this as metaphorically referring to the church. However, the context indicates...
Interview with Prophecy Author Donna VanLiere
The Time of Jacob’s TroubleThe Day of Ezekiel’s HopeDaniel’s Final Week Harvest House Publishers: You’re known for the beloved New York Times bestsellers The Christmas Shoes and The Christmas Blessing. What inspired you to write novels on the theme of Bible prophecy?...
Is Russia’s Attack on Ukraine Prophetically Significant?
That’s the question many Christians are asking now. On February 24, 2022, President Vladimir Putin of Russia unleashed a massive military attack against Ukraine, with armed forces invading the country from three sides. Speaking on Russian state television, Putin...
Fulfilled Prophecy Credentials the Bible and Jesus as the Messiah
Someone has described Bible prophecy as history written in advance. The Bible, in fact, has more prophecy in it than any other book in the world. More than a quarter of the Bible’s content was prophetic at the time that it was written. The late Dr. John Walvoord, in...
Grounding the Rapture?
Jesus Christ is coming back. For most Christians, there is no question or controversy concerning this. The real question is, How and when? Among respected theologians and Bible scholars, there’s a divergence of opinion about His return, especially as it...
What a Jewish Wedding Ceremony Teaches Us About the Rapture
It is an understatement to say that we live in troubling times. Sometimes the words of Jesus in John 14:1, "Do not let your hearts be troubled," sound cliched and out of tune with what's happening in the world. But Jesus goes on to say, "You believe in God; believe...
Watching Bible Prophecy Unfold Today
A careful study of Scripture reveals that all the prophecies that are supposed to be fulfilled before the rapture have come to pass. That means the next major event on God’s prophetic calendar is the rapture, which will occur before the tribulation.[1] So from a...
The Differences Between the Rapture and the Return
The differences in the descriptions of the rapture of believers and the return of Christ are significant enough that the only sensible explanation is that the second coming of our Lord has two phases—the rapture and the return. There are three main rapture passages...
Agreeing to Disagree in an Agreeable Way
“I’m okay; you’re a heretic.” That sounds like the title of a humor book. In reality, these words reflect how some Christians treat other Christians who hold to a different view of Bible prophecy. A popular Christian radio personality recently charged that...
God’s Prophetic Pattern
One of the greatest “in-house” debates among believers is the timing of the rapture. Simply put, there are three primary positions: pre-trib, mid-trib, and post-trib. The first meaning that the rapture will occur before (pre) the seven-year tribulation period. The...
What Will Happen This Upcoming Year?
Every time a new year approaches, the supermarket tabloids are filled with headlines that proclaim what “experts” predict will happen over the next 12 months. Almost always, these guesses are wrong. The few times that they are correct or appear to be such, it’s...
Christmas: A Celebration of Bible Prophecy
When we celebrate Christmas, we are celebrating God’s perfect track record of fulfilling every single Bible prophecy pointing to Jesus’ first advent. In the Old Testament, there are more than 100 prophecies related to Christ’s first coming. They reveal specific clues...
Why Will Jesus Physically Return to Earth, and What will we see?
Revelation 19 details for us many of the specifics regarding Jesus' second coming. This monumental event occurs at the close of the seven-year period known as the tribulation. Many are familiar with the scenario of Christ showing up at the battle of Armageddon but may...
What We Know—and Don’t Know—About the Mark of the Beast
One of the more popular topics in Bible prophecy is the mark of the beast. Interestingly, the Bible doesn’t say much about it. Because people are so curious about this mark, they have many questions about its significance and meaning. That’s understandable in light of...
The three views of the Millenium
Soon after becoming a Christian, I stumbled across a couple of radio preachers who seemed like they knew their stuff, so I trusted what they said about the end times, not knowing there were other points of view to consider. My preconceived notion about the Lord’s...
A door of biblical discernment
As we continue to witness stage-setting prophecies developing before our eyes, we must also develop the ability to “understand the times, with knowledge of what [we] should do” (1 Chronicles 12:32). It was this very ability to understand and navigate life that...
The phases of the second coming
Much confusion exists among Bible readers regarding the second coming of Christ. Of central importance is whether Jesus will return once or twice. There are clearly two phases to the second coming, no matter what one’s view is of the timing between them. Jesus is...
Christians Will Be Saved from the Wrath
Not only will “the year of the lord’s favor” (Isaiah 61:2 NIV), or the church age, come to a distinct end, to be followed by the “day of God’s wrath” (the unfulfilled period of seven years), but God has given His church ample evidence in Scripture that it will not go...
How Should We Pray in These Last Days?
Martin Luther, one of the most influential figures in the Protestant Reformation, had the right perspective about prayer when he wrote, “Prayer is the mightiest of all weapons that created natures can wield.” As we draw closer to earth’s final days and...
Persecution, in varying degrees and forms, is coming. If it doesn’t, then Jesus and Paul were wrong. The question is not whether it’s coming, but rather how we will respond to it when it does. Some will undoubtedly give in and compromise, and in the process, deny...
When Will the Old Testament Saints, New Testament Saints, and Tribulation Saints Be Physically Resurrected?
Scripture makes it clear that spiritually, when we die, we are immediately and consciously ushered into the presence of the Lord. In Philippians 1:21-23, Paul wrote, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain…I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to...
Spiritual Warfare and End-Time Prophecy Collide
The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. —Romans 13:11-12...
Keeping God at the Center of Bible Prophecy
When it comes to studying Bible prophecy, it is easy to get buried in the details about what will happen in the future—to the point that we fail to focus on who Bible prophecy is all about: God. Yes, it’s natural to want to understand what will happen and when. In...
A Preview of what is to come
The more I study the book of Revelation, the more I love it. It’s like the movie Back to the Future. When we read it, we go back in time to a moment when God Himself revealed to us the future He has established for this world. What we read is not what might happen or...
Anchored to the Rock
Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the LORD and against his anointed, saying, “Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles.” The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the...
Why Are Some Churches Reluctant to Teach Bible Prophecy?
When we consider the large number of passages in the Bible that talk about the end times and the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, it’s remarkable that there are so many pastors and Bible teachers who prefer to avoid talking about Bible prophecy altogether....
What’s “Prophetic Peace”?
For well over a year now, our world has been quarantined in a constant state of crisis and uncertainty. Billions are asking, “What’s next? What new thing will once again disrupt our lives, sending us into yet another season of confusion and chaos?” It’s as if the...
The Game-Changing Evidence of Fulfilled Bible Prophecy (Part 2)
World Empires In the book of Daniel, we have the well-known stories of the fiery furnace and the lions’ den, but many don’t realize that Daniel is primarily a book of prophecy. Eight of the twelve chapters of Daniel contain prophecy, and six of the twelve deal...
The Game-Changing Evidence of Fulfilled Bible Prophecy (Part 1)
The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. —Romans 13:12 I didn’t hear the gospel clearly explained until I was in middle school. Through a series of events that only the Lord could have...
Eight Ways We Benefit from Bible Prophecy
The Bible says all Scripture is useful for instruction and for equipping believers for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17). That includes Bible prophecy, which is often overlooked as an essential part of every believer’s spiritual knowledge and growth. Nearly 28...