Fear, Fake News, and Faith

Fear, Fake News, and Faith

God wrote Revelation because he wants us to know about that finale, and to respond to it (Revelation 1:3). He wants us to be aware of coming world events and to spot the signs leading up to the end times. He wants us to enjoy a sneak preview of our future home in...
Iceberg Warnings of Bible Prophecy

Iceberg Warnings of Bible Prophecy

A few years ago, while on a speaking trip to a small English town, I had the privilege of having lunch with a group of retired gentlemen and ladies. After being seated beside one of the women, we struck up a conversation, and I soon discovered it was her birthday....
What Will Happen to Children at the Rapture?

What Will Happen to Children at the Rapture?

This is a commonly asked question and a very sensitive topic. To cover what will happen to children at the rapture well, we need to take in a helicopter view as well as dive into the specifics. To start, there aren’t any specific Bible verses that answer the question....
Why Christ Rebukes the First-Century Church

Why Christ Rebukes the First-Century Church

Jesus called them out, but for what reasons?   1. She grew apathetic toward Him (Revelation 2:4). Jesus says to His bride, “You have left your first love.” Over time, she grew less and less enamored with her bridegroom. The honeymoon was over. The newness had worn...
In God we trust?

In God we trust?

What citizens must sometimes do for civic or political reasons, Christians must sometimes do for spiritual or moral reasons. For both, defiance may be a necessary option. Though we in America have never suffered under regimes like Nero’s or Nazi Germany’s, and...
The Rapture and the Ten Virgins

The Rapture and the Ten Virgins

A friend of mine has a coffee mug that reads, “I can do all things through a verse taken out of context.” As Christians, sometimes in our eagerness to apply Scripture to our lives, we skip over the part where we discover what the verse or passage actually means. And...