Why Does It Matter If the Dead Rise?

Why Does It Matter If the Dead Rise?

As sinful human beings, we are linked to Adam. We inherited Adam’s sin nature and the wages of sin that go with it called death. As in Adam all die. But in Christ, the second Adam, all are made alive. As Paul reminds us, “The first Adam became a living being; the last...
The Critical Link: Origins and Last Things

The Critical Link: Origins and Last Things

The study of first things is of utmost importance in Scripture. Much like the opening pages of a novel or the first few minutes of a good film, fundamental information is contained in the inceptive section of any great work. This is definitely true about the first...
Guidelines for Interpreting Bible Prophecy

Guidelines for Interpreting Bible Prophecy

Some people claim Bible prophecy should be interpreted allegorically. The allegorical method of interpretation seeks to uncover figurative or secondary meanings of Bible verses. I once encountered a person who assured me that the “second coming” occurs whenever a...
Why the Rapture Is Our Blessed Hope

Why the Rapture Is Our Blessed Hope

Have you ever thought about the many ways that the rapture is “our blessed hope,” as stated in Titus 2:13? In context, here is what Paul wrote: “The grace of God has appeared to all people, training us…to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present...
The Christmas Conundrum and the Foreknowledge of Jesus

The Christmas Conundrum and the Foreknowledge of Jesus

Isaiah 9:6 is quoted frequently at Christmastime. You may have seen the passage on Christmas cards, oftentimes along with a manger scene. The well-known (but usually not fully understood) verse reads, To us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government...