Have you ever thought about the many ways that the rapture is “our blessed hope,” as stated in Titus 2:13?

In context, here is what Paul wrote: “The grace of God has appeared to all people, training us…to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, waiting for our blessed hope” (verses 11-13). The starting point here is God’s grace. It is because of His grace that He sent a Savior who could make salvation possible for us. And it is the transforming power of salvation that motivates us to be holy and ready for Christ to take us up to heaven.

For every believer, the rapture will be a “blessed” event—one that fills us to overflowing with genuine happiness. And “hope” refers not to a mere wish, but to an absolute certainty.

Here are the reasons the rapture is our blessed hope:

  • It promises our being taken up to our heavenly home prepared by Jesus Himself.
  • It promises our reunion with beloved brothers and sisters in Christ who died before us.  
  • It promises that we will not face the wrath God pours out upon the earth during the tribulation.
  • It promises our transformation from mortality to immortality.
  • It promises our living together with Christ—forever.

Every one of these promises is a blessing. It is for these reasons—and more—that the rapture is a powerful source of hope for us. This guaranteed event will bring about the above-listed guaranteed results. That is why Paul wrote that we are to “encourage one another” with the truths about the rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:18). As we remind each other about that glorious day when Christ will call us to be with Him, our hearts will be lifted up and we’ll be reminded to live with an eternal perspective. The strength we need for the here and now can be drawn from the assurances of what lies ahead for us in the future.

Every thought we have about the rapture should thrill us. We have so much to look forward to. While the blessings we anticipate can easily be eclipsed by our fears in this present world, we should live with a resolve to instead let those future blessings diminish the anxieties we face today.  


Steve Miller is the author of Foreshadows: 12 Megaclues That Jesus’ Return Is Nearer Than Ever. His weekly Foreshadows Report podcasts can be accessed at https://stevemillerresources.com/.