The Biblical Case for the Pretribulational Rapture

The Biblical Case for the Pretribulational Rapture

In Revelation 3:10, God promised the church in Philadelphia, “I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth.” While the seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3 were historical churches in Asia Minor,...
The Two-Prophetic Witnesses

The Two-Prophetic Witnesses

God will raise up two mighty prophetic witnesses during the tribulation period. They will testify of the true God with incredible power—much like the power of Elijah (1 Kings 17; Malachi 4:5) and Moses (Exodus 7–11). Two witnesses are important. The Old Testament...
A Matter of Timing: Pre-Trib Rapture

A Matter of Timing: Pre-Trib Rapture

Some argue against the pre‑trib view, saying that it is a more recent doctrine. All the church fathers held to something different, they claim. But that is not true. There were many early church writers who held to an imminent, at‑any‑moment rapture. In AD 373,...
What is the doctrine of Imminence?

What is the doctrine of Imminence?

There is a difference between prophecies whose fulfillment dates are unknown and those that are specifically portrayed as imminent. For example, prophecies concerning the regathering of Israel as a nation were unknown in their fulfillment, but it was not generally...
The coming world leader

The coming world leader

In 1979, an article in Time magazine carried the headline, “Inflation: Who Is Hurt the Worst?” A worried blue-collar worker named Arthur Garcia said, “I keep waiting for a miracle, some guy who isn’t born yet, and when he comes, we’ll follow him like he’s John the...
Revealing Revelation: The Long Letter

Revealing Revelation: The Long Letter

In our age of technology, we no longer make a habit of sending letters to one another. Instead, we use email, texts, and social media. For me, my use of social media allows me to reach hundreds of thousands of people in real time with updates about events that are...