A Baby Like No Other

A Baby Like No Other

When the angels announced Jesus’ birth to the shepherds that night long ago in Bethlehem, they revealed that this baby was like no other. When they spoke about this newborn child, they used three titles that are rich in meaning. These titles told the shepherds a very...
Why Was Hell Created?

Why Was Hell Created?

Did you know that hell was created for a specific purpose? That purpose is found in Matthew 25:41: “Then [Jesus] will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.’ ” This statement...
The First Promise of the Rapture

The First Promise of the Rapture

Do you know when the worldwide rapture of believers is first mentioned in the Bible? What’s remarkable about this first promise of the rapture is that it came at a very traumatic time for those who originally heard these words. After the crucifixion, the disciples...
What Will Happen to Children at the Rapture?

What Will Happen to Children at the Rapture?

This is a commonly asked question and a very sensitive topic. To cover what will happen to children at the rapture well, we need to take in a helicopter view as well as dive into the specifics. To start, there aren’t any specific Bible verses that answer the question....
Why Christ Rebukes the First-Century Church

Why Christ Rebukes the First-Century Church

Jesus called them out, but for what reasons?   1. She grew apathetic toward Him (Revelation 2:4). Jesus says to His bride, “You have left your first love.” Over time, she grew less and less enamored with her bridegroom. The honeymoon was over. The newness had worn...