Grounding the Rapture?

Grounding the Rapture?

Jesus Christ is coming back.             For most Christians, there is no question or controversy concerning this. The real question is, How and when? Among respected theologians and Bible scholars, there’s a divergence of opinion about His return, especially as it...
Watching Bible Prophecy Unfold Today

Watching Bible Prophecy Unfold Today

A careful study of Scripture reveals that all the prophecies that are supposed to be fulfilled before the rapture have come to pass. That means the next major event on God’s prophetic calendar is the rapture, which will occur before the tribulation.[1] So from a...
Agreeing to Disagree in an Agreeable Way

Agreeing to Disagree in an Agreeable Way

“I’m okay; you’re a heretic.” That sounds like the title of a humor book. In reality, these words reflect how some Christians treat other Christians who hold to a different view of Bible prophecy. A popular Christian radio personality recently charged that...
God’s Prophetic Pattern

God’s Prophetic Pattern

One of the greatest “in-house” debates among believers is the timing of the rapture. Simply put, there are three primary positions: pre-trib, mid-trib, and post-trib. The first meaning that the rapture will occur before (pre) the seven-year tribulation period. The...