What is the doctrine of Imminence?

What is the doctrine of Imminence?

There is a difference between prophecies whose fulfillment dates are unknown and those that are specifically portrayed as imminent. For example, prophecies concerning the regathering of Israel as a nation were unknown in their fulfillment, but it was not generally...
The coming world leader

The coming world leader

In 1979, an article in Time magazine carried the headline, “Inflation: Who Is Hurt the Worst?” A worried blue-collar worker named Arthur Garcia said, “I keep waiting for a miracle, some guy who isn’t born yet, and when he comes, we’ll follow him like he’s John the...
Where the dead are now

Where the dead are now

The 39 books of the Old Testament refer to the world of the dead 65 times as Sheol. The word may be translated as “the grave,” “hell,” or “death.” Sheol must not be confused with “the pit” or “the lake of fire,” for Sheol is the place of all those who have departed...
Clash of the Superpowers in the Middle East

Clash of the Superpowers in the Middle East

In the space of one week, both President Biden of the United States and President Putin of Russia made high-profile visits to the Middle East. Why all of a sudden this flurry of activity? What is going on? There is so much happening in the Middle East today that it is...
In God we trust?

In God we trust?

What citizens must sometimes do for civic or political reasons, Christians must sometimes do for spiritual or moral reasons. For both, defiance may be a necessary option. Though we in America have never suffered under regimes like Nero’s or Nazi Germany’s, and...
Revealing Revelation: The Long Letter

Revealing Revelation: The Long Letter

In our age of technology, we no longer make a habit of sending letters to one another. Instead, we use email, texts, and social media. For me, my use of social media allows me to reach hundreds of thousands of people in real time with updates about events that are...